Tuesday, September 13, 2005

We're doomed.

I catered this morning at Radio City Music Hall. There were roughly 500 people there for some "Spend Money In New York" conference and two of those 500 were Rudy Guiliani and (rumor has it) Bill Clinton. There were two of us working the VIP room where Guiliani gave a press conference. Throughout the whole thing, I was roughly 5 feet away from the guy.

This is why we're doomed: Not once was I checked. Even at the security desk they didn't ask for ID. Hell, there wasn't even a list of waiter's names! The guy just got on the radio and asked if there were supposed to be caterers there. Then he gave me an all-access pass and no directions on how to get anywhere so for the next 15 minutes I wandered around Radio City, peeking into engine rooms, wandering onstage past a ton of crew people who never once stopped me. Now I realize that a short little red-headed girl doesn't exactly set bells a-ringing and I know it's impossible for everyone to be checked and I know I'm a hypocrite because I hate it when people DO check me, but still - shouldn't somebody have at least looked in my bag?

Same thing happened yesterday, working a lunch for the Prime Minister of Australia. Nobody checked nothing.


Blogger Ted Carter said...

It's because you look so trustworthy. Oh, wait...

10:04 AM  
Blogger Ali said...

And I'm not brown.

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so right. If your skin and hair were dark, you'd be so heavily scrutinized you'd probably be barred from catering ANY functions. If this country truly wants security, somebody should be checking on everyone at large public gatherings, regardless of color or nationality. Oh, don't get me started...

5:22 PM  

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