Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm grasping at straws here.

I don't watch American Idol. Shocking, right? It seems right up my alley, train wreck-wise. You've got the British guy saying mean things to people (ah, shadenfreude!), you've got Ryan Seacrest (I loathe to admit the fact that I had a minor crush on him when I lived in LA and he was a lowly radio jockey. At the time he seemed refreshing). Plus you've got the nightmare that is Paula Abdul! What's not to like?

And I've got to admit, this season sounds pretty good.

There's a contestant who's sparking quite a bit of controversy. He's talent-free, rumored to be the worst singer in Idol history, yet people keeps voting for him. There's a strong chance he might actually win. Here's the brilliant part: According to those in the know (E! online, I'm talking to you) his fans are actually giving the contest a big Fuck You. If the really untalented guy wins it effectively strips the show of any credibility, plus it's really, really funny. (The producer has said that he'll cancel the show if the guy takes the prize.) I don't even watch the show and I'm tempted to vote! After all, I seem to have a gift for it (says the woman who made Max Crumm's dreams come true).

Anybody watch?


Blogger Valerie said...

That's so funny, I don't watch either but I found this site somehow that is organizing the vote and has been for the last few seasons. Who knew?

Oh yeah the link:

6:18 PM  

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