Friday, March 16, 2007


I do apologize for abandoning my post. There's no excuse. (Actually, there are a ton of excuses, but I would like to make it to work on time.) I've been taking a novel writing class, seeing as how I have lots of ideas but no real skillz (it's cool with the "z", yes? No?), and the homework is killing me. Scratch that - the homework is fine, it's the trying-to-write-a-book-stuff that's killing me, but enough about that.

Speaking of killing, do you ladies get waxed? We had a bout of gorgeous weather here recently and it got me thinking - Am I the only woman in the world who doesn't do this? I mean, I know I'm not (somebody's keeping Gilette in business) but it's a big thing in this city. I got a wax once - once - and vowed never again. For those who've never had a bikini wax, I have one thing to say: Awkward. You climb up on this table wearing nothing but an overgrowth of what God gave you, then they put you into these... poses. Gynocological poses. "Let's ship a few of these to Hustler" poses. And then they yank out your hair. Did I mention that part? The YANKING OUT OF THE HAIR part? Men, grab a handful of ball hair and pull.

Yeah, it feels just like that.

And women PAY for this! It's not cheap either. (Not that it should be. I sure hope the bulk of the money is going to the poor Eastern European woman who's eyeball-to-unmentionable eight hours a day.) Did I mention that you bleed? Oh yeah, the skin is thin down there. And yet I feel like an unhygienic beast not doing it. Granted, it's not like the clippers I usually use are doing me right; I tend to spend the bulk of my time looking like a plucked chicken. (Those things are hard to control!) So fill me in - do you do it? How often and why? And men, feel free to weigh in. (Not on your own personal experiences, of course. Unless you have some and then I want to read all about it.)

Which leads me to Knowledge Nugget #8:
I may be a slave to fashion, but my down there is nice and traditional.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't go into my own tragic tangle (literally) with a home waxing kit and my hoo-hoo. I'm still traumatized by it! I also once made the terrible error of thinking that the area above my upper lip looked "dark", and had a beautician wax the offending hair off. Besides the pain, my lip swelled up and I had little tiny angry red dots all over the area. I looked like I'd tried to french-kiss a porcupine! I didn't leave the house for 2 days. Never again!

12:46 PM  
Blogger Ted Carter said...

I just can't stop thinking about the scene where they wax the back of an overweight Alyson Hannigan in Date Movie. Not a great film, but certainly a lasting image. (Shudders.)

1:47 PM  
Blogger ktbuffy said...

I think you're mostly thinking of Brazilian waxing, what with the strange and uncomfortable poses, leg up, and all that. I do just the basic, regular waxing, keeping on my undies and all, and the nice Korean woman basically neatens up the area down there, so there's not fly-away hairs that would mar the line of a cute pair of panties or a swimsuit.

And it does get easier the more often you do it.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

When I had a "regular" waxing, I was given a tiny paper g-string and made to go on all fours. (Leg up as well.) It was at Bliss Spa which is known to be one of the best, so maybe they were just being extra, extra thorough. Or deeply pervy.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't wax.
I'm that annoying person who isn't actually all that hairy.
Even if it was, what is the deal with no pubic hair anymore. It's kind of UN erotic....especially when it grows back in.

8:55 AM  

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