Wednesday, March 07, 2007

And I actually went to college. And graduated!


(Sorry I spelled your name wrong for so many years...)

Good goddamn it was cold today. It better not be this cold on Friday, that's all I have to say. I've got big plans: just me, the husband, and a vat full of molten cheese. (Nothing says "birthday" like dipping things in fermented milk.) When I was living in LA, I spent several months working for a fantastic organic dairy. My main job was to demo their products at fancy supermarkets. Because it combined two of my skills - talking to people and eating stuff - I did remarkably well. (Okay so maybe that second part wasn't in the actual job description, but you try and stand in front of a bunch of cheese for an hour, Mr. Willpower.) My boss was a good friend of mine which came in handy the day I asked her the Dumbest Question Ever.

(Me) "How come all your cheese is white?"

(Patient Boss) "Because milk is white."

Okay, it never entered my mind that orange cheese wasn't natural. I can't be the only person who never put that together, right?


Which leads me to Knowledge Nugget #5:
Sometimes I'm just not that smart.


Blogger Missy said...

I never knew so many groovy people were born in March. I should have, but I didn't.

10:16 PM  

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