Saturday, February 10, 2007

By the way, I love this.

My Prevacid ad was recently renewed for another year which means a right big check recently landed in my greedy, grubby paws, so Matt and I decided to give ourselves a little bit of "fun money". We allotted ourselves $100 and today seemed like a perfectly good day to spend it. What did I buy with that hundred smackers?

A tea set.

I don't understand it either.

I'm not sure what came over me. I was in this little boutique (little boutiques get me every. damn. time.) and everything was so beautiful and impractical and frivolous and suddenly I needed things. Things like china. And teapots. And creamers, adorable little creamers. Normally I just slap a tea bag in a mug and call it a day, but there was something so civilized about these delicate little cups (with actual saucers!) that I simply could not resist. Which is how I ended up spending almost $50 on a little tiny tea pot, an awfully cute creamer, two coffee mugs (that I later discovered at Bed, Bath and Beyond) and a slightly damaged tea cup. (Which the owner threw in for free after I admired it loudly. Twice.) I decided not to feel guilty about my purchase because it's nice to have fancy things and it'll feel good to use those cups when sit down to write. (And also because the boutique doesn't offer refunds.)

After my little spree, a friend and I met at City Bakery for their famous hot chocolate. New York Magazine just rated it number one so I figured I had to give it another go. In the past I have found it rather sludge-like and undrinkable but baldandeffective told me to try it with a shot of espresso and since I seem to have fallen off the no-sugar-no-caffeine wagon yet again, I figured why not? Lemme tell ya - that shit was goooooood.

Lemme tell ya - that shit was also cafffffffeinated.

I yawped my way through J. Crew, Banana Republic AND Anthropologie. I poked my nose into other people's dressing rooms and accosted strangers about their handbags on the subway. (Kate Spade has sample sales, y'all.) My poor friend had to listen to me prattle on about my latest obsession (finding the perfect cropped cardigan) while avoiding being smacked in the face by my frenzied sale racking. Clearly I have a problem (the first step is admitting it, right?) but that sugar/caffeine siren song is just so damned hard to resist. Thank God I never started smoking. (By the way, if anyone knows where I can find that perfect cardigan, I'm all ears.)


Blogger ktbuffy said...

Talk to me about these Kate Spade sample sales. I must know. I'm having a hard time NOT buying a red suede satchel I saw at Nine West and want for my birthday, but if there were to be maybe a Kate Spade sale in the future, I could be strong...

4:43 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

Some day when I come to visit, I think my goal will be to try them all. (The hot chocolate that is.)

9:53 PM  

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