Sunday, January 21, 2007

This is why I go to the gym

Wandering around the East Village today, I stumbled upon an oasis.

Max Brenner, Chocolate By The Bald Man

This place is like the Starbucks of chocolate. Max's gleaming mug adorns everything from the cappuccino foam to the receipts, his shiny pate twinkling like Wonka's grin. The proliferation of all things Max should've bugged me, but after a few whiffs of... of... (are those fresh-baked brownies?) it's hard not to succumb to the sheer indulgence of it all. Unlike most New York chocolatiers with their impressive cacao percentages and snooty salesclerks (It's CHOCOLATE, people!), it was refreshing to walk into a place that served things like Belgian waffles with warm chocolate truffle sauce and "Choco-Pops" (hot chocolate with crunchy chocolate wiffle balls). Sure it's over the top, but what do you expect from a place that has "Stop it Max, this is already too much!" stenciled on the wall?

I managed to walk out there relatively guilt-free with a simple hot chocolate (choice of dark/milk/white/orange. I went dark). It was good. Damn good. Was it $4 good? Eh, but it was a hell of a lot better than the melted frosting City Bakery passes off as hot chocolate. (Although people go crazy for that molten, sludge-like goo so what do I know?)

On second thought, scratch the "guilt-free". I doubt Max scrimps on the heavy cream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been remiss in my lack of discussing the Bald Man of Chocolate. After all, who knows baldness better than I?

Anyway, you're wrong about the City Bakery hot chocolate. Even though the Jacques Torres hot chocolate is even sludgier and more delicious. Get it with a shot of espresso and you'll be happy for months!

8:07 AM  

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