Saturday, January 06, 2007

Never. Again.

Although I loves my reality shows, I don't happen to watch The Real World anymore. (Mostly because A: it is anything but, and B: it makes me feel way old), but I happened to pause long enough to catch the following conversation between the characters of "Overwrought, Twenty-something Party Girl" and her "Poor, Beleaguered Mom".

Girl (bawling on phone): "I fucking hate this place! It's totally not worth it! When I think that I'm wasting $700 a month on rent while I'm holed up here it makes me sick!"

Mom: "What are you talking about? You pay $450."

Girl: "UTILITIES, mother! I have to pay utilities on top of my rent!"

Mom: "I pay your utilities."

Girl: "Could you throw me a bone here, mom?!"

MAN! You could not pay me to be in my twenties again. That shit sucked.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I used the 'f' word in a conversation with my mother she would pull me through the phone, molecule by molecule, and stomp on me.

7:17 PM  
Blogger mmcwatters said...

There is nothing that will crush the spirit of a 20-something like being forced to live in a 15,000 square foot Malibu beach house with beautiful guys and girls. Being forced to toil at least 2 hours a day as an intern at a recording studio. Casual encounters in the hot tub overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Having to share ONE camera crew for several uniquely un-unique individuals.

"I wish I was in Darfur! At least there people would understand what I'm going through!"

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Priceless, Stephanie! Priceless!

3:46 PM  

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