Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Not for the faint of heart.

Warning: Skip today's post if you have a woozy stomach or are easily nauseated by violence to animals. For reals, yo.

So apparently P. Diddy, that bastion of taste and class, is in hella trouble for selling fur-collared jackets (under his Sean John label). They're advertized as being "faux rabbit fur" which is, I guess, technically true... since it turns out that they're made from dog hair.

Which wouldn't necessarily be a problem except that the dogs that were skinned alive.

Lest you assume (like I did) that this nastiness was just a bunch of blasphemy penned by an overzealous PETA staffer or pulled from one of my (admittedly somewhat dubious) gossip sites, there's a small blurb about it in this week's New York Magazine. And just to be sure, I Googled "P.Diddy+fur coats+dogs skinned alive" and came up with several articles from reasonably reliable sources (including, but not limited to, The Huffington Post), which makes me think that this might be actually, vomit-inducingly true.

Setting aside for a moment the fact that the DOGS WERE SKINNED ALIVE, I can't stop thinking about the fact that someone not only knew about it, not only considered it, but actually signed off on it. And not only that, but it was somebody's job to do it. Apparently it's a fairly common practice in China (where the coats were made). I know they eat dogs in China and that animal kindness isn't necessarily priority number one, but desensitized as that particular person may be, a job like that has got to fuck you up in many, many ways. Nobody willingly signs up for a job like that. Taking a job that inhumane requires a level of poverty and desperation I can't even fathom.

The coats were sold at upscale department stores in New York. I wonder if the people wearing them even know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ick. Though I'm not in PETA, I have no desire to wear fur of any kind. Shame on them.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

Fur is terrible, do not get me wrong, but it's the whole SKINNED ALIVE thing that makes this news to me.

7:47 PM  

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