Monday, January 08, 2007

Did you watch?

My television viewing may have hit an all-time low last night. Yes I know I could have been doing something productive with my evening like writing a new story or sending out a mailing to casting directors or meditating (okay, I'm totally bumming myself out) but instead I watched something so goddawful bad, I'm almost too ashamed to admit it.

"Grease! You're The One That I Want!"

For those who had the good sense not to watch it, this bucket of retardation is all about casting the latest Broadway revival of Grease. The twist? YOU, THE VIEWER get to decide who gets to play Danny and Sandy. I know! You totally didn't see that coming! That's right, you get to decide which non-professional, "I played Sandy in high school" wannabe gets to star ON BROADWAY and make $3,000 a week! I just can't stop picturing the real actors who are going to have to share the stage with these yahoos. (Now that's a reality show I want to see.) I started watching it because I was hoping that it would show what an actor's life is really like. Like instead of being about "I just saw this ad and I want to be on TV", it'd actually be about casting a show. But of course it's exactly what you'd expect - American Idol for the thespian set. They've even got the faux-tough British judge, just in case you weren't clear on the concept. But I didn't change the channel. Why? HOPE. I kept thinking that surely this would get better. Surely the network people aren't this. freaking. lazy. And that America isn't this. freaking. lame. But (she says as she stares at the butt indention in the couch), apparently "America" is.

(On a side note, I had a dream the other night that I was a contestent of America's Next Top Model but I got kicked off because I bitched out Tyra Banks. It was pretty awesome.)


Blogger ktbuffy said...

Oh, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali.... *big sigh*. I knew it was going to be awful, and I stayed far away. Two words for you: Billy Bush. The mind quivers.

I steer clear of almost all reality tv, except what I find on TLC and HGTV. But oh how I love "Flip That House"!

11:36 AM  

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