Wednesday, January 10, 2007

And Bartles and James used to say, "Thank you for your support."

Is anyone else struggling to write? I'd say it's the winter doldrums, but since it's the warmest January on record (Denver's totally hogging all the snow) I really don't have much to complain about. (Except for, you know, the whole global warming thing.)

That said, I'm working on a few new stories. One is about my first modeling job (I was having such a good time until the editor shouted out "Stay tight on her face so we don't see her body") and the other is about trying to get knocked up. That one's more of a struggle, not because I feel particularly sensitive about it (unless you catch me on the wrong night) but because I'm not sure which direction it should go. Here's the thing about trying to get knocked up - it's really not that easy once your past your twenties. From what I understand (and correct me if I'm wrong) there's really only a 3 to 5 day window of opportunity, contrary to what we all learned in sex-ed. (In middle school, the poor woman who taught "Health" would get so nervous discussing anything related to human sexuality that one day she twisted her pearls so tight she broke her necklace. This is the same woman who told us repeatedly that "sperm could swim" without bothering to explain the details. I spent the summer convinced that I'd get pregnant in the tub.) Honestly, if I'd actually taken the time to learn how babies are made (aside from "put the thing in the thing"), I never would have stayed on the Pill for so long.

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who's thought about this. There are tons of articles dedicated to not getting pregnant (20's) and being too old to get pregnant (40's), but nothing about your 30's. So here's my question: Is this a topic worth pursuing? If not, why? (So I can stop wasting my time.) If yes, why? (So I know what people want to read about.)

On a side note, HOLY CRAP, IT'S SNOWING!


Blogger ktbuffy said...

I think it's totally worth writing, because you can do it from a unique perspective and be funny about it. Not for the struggling actor the thousands of dollars to spend on fertility treatments. And how does being on the pill for a long time REALLY affect your chances to conceive?

I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

11:55 AM  
Blogger Woman with a Hatchet said...

Ali, if you are interested in getting pregnant in your 30s, check out this site my kid sister pointed me at:

It involves being seriously anal about taking your basal body temp every morning and charting a few items, but appears to work.

I'll let you know if it worked for me (at 37) on my blog in a few weeks.

- Valerie's friend

11:01 AM  

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