Sunday, October 01, 2006


There's totally a bomb threat outside my apartment right now! They've cordoned off our block and I counted six police cars, two police vans, three ambulances and four fire trucks, lights all a'flashing - not to mention a dude in full-on bomb gear who's dealing with the briefcases. (I know all about the briefcases because the janitor told me. I was hoping to get some info from the security guard downstairs but all he'd say is that there's a "sitchiation" and it's being handled. He totally thinks he's a cop.) Somebody has painted FUCK YOU on the sidewalk outside of the Little Pie Company which is very upsetting, seeing as how I live on a street known as "happy block". The janitor keeps saying that we should all leave the building but the cops don't seem terribly frantic; they're mostly shooting the shit (and occasionally shouting at a curious neighbor to get off the street). I figure if it was a real threat they'd tell us to get out. (Although that logic that got a lot of people killed in the Twin Towers. Maybe I'll get out the cat carriers just in case...)

UPDATE: Nothing went boom.


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