Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm week 3.

We all know I love my trashy reads, but tonight I discovered a mag so pecular, so insane, so gosh darn "say wha-?" that might just be too creepy even for me.

It's called... well, I'm not going to say what it's called because even though I plan on mocking them furiously, I might want to write for them someday. I'd love to write this huge, clever lead and then bang you with the big reveal but I'm really tired and need to take a bath. So here it is, kids: a lifestyle magazine about your menstrual cycle.

So, which week are you?


Blogger Missy said...

Week 2 Maybe? I always forget how to count it.
That is the strangest thing I have seen in a long time.

I am trying to imagine and understand the thought process that lead to this concept.

It is beyond me.

8:25 AM  

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