Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A small dose of heavy.

Yesterday was one of those perfect autumn days that make you glad to be alive. The weather was that gorgeous blend of crisp and sunny so I went to the Great Lawn for a good old-fashioned dose of people watching. A guy was flying a huge, homemade butterfly kite over Belvedere Castle (want to see a bunch of jaded New Yorkers squeal with delight? Go get yourself a giant butterfly kite) and someone was playing the bagpipes - a sound that makes me insanely happy. I actually laid down in the grass and watched the clouds. Nice nice nice.

On my way home I noticed a tangle of squad cars and traffic and people gathered on Park Avenue. A mother was standing next to me yapping on her cell, waiting for the light to change. She turned to me and asked if I had seen it. Of course I had no idea what she was talking about. Apparently someone had turned the corner and hit two little girls walking home from school.

We all know the phrase "Your life can change in an instant". Right then - RIGHT THEN - I was witnessing it. If the girls died... Even if they didn't, none of those lives would be the same. Just by turning a corner. Not to get all Hallmark on you but it was an awfully powerful thing.


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