Wednesday, September 06, 2006

At a loss for words this morn.

Anyone else not quite ready for the season change? What happened to summer? I left it around here somewhere and now it's gone. Don't get me wrong, I love Fall. Adore it. Got married in it. But I can't help but notice a sniff of winter in the air and that, my friends, sucks. I loathe winter. The chapped skin, the unflattering clothing, the nonstop sensation of being cold and wet. I know what you're all thinking - "But Ali, what about warm fires and hot drinks? What about CHRISTMAS?"

Humbug, I say. Hum-bug. These little charms do not outweigh the nasty, black-tinged slush that I must wade through day in and day out before stuffing myself into an overcrowded, overheated subway car on my way to an audition where I will try to disguise my red, dripping nose in an attempt to look "cute".


That said, I do love Fall. The leaves are starting to change in Central Park... people don't stink so bad... all the cutest clothing is hitting the stores... We need to figure out a way to make Fall and Spring last longer. Can one of you guys get on that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somneone's getting coal in their stocking this year . . .

9:05 AM  
Blogger ktbuffy said...

I've got my best people working on it.

But yeah, it's like someone turned a switch. And I am not ready to give up my sleeveless tops and sandals for boots and turtlenecks yet!

9:30 AM  
Blogger jLow said...

quitcherbitchin - at least you get some Fall and Spring up there. If memory serves, we had 2 days of spring-like weather this year. And fall in central Texas? Only slightly less hot than hell which, by the way, is actually summer weather here. And I truly cannot imagine a stuffy subway car smelling worse than a small cafe packed full of cowboys with cow doodie up to their ankles. Welcome to country livin!

10:27 AM  
Blogger Missy said...

You might want to think about moving back to Kansas. Our last couple of winters have been like one big long fall season. Very little snow, temps in the 50's and 60's. The only thing missing is the pretty trees. They go away along about November.

It is a little creepy actually...

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bare trees are SO depressing, but at the risk of sounding like a Pollyanna, winter makes me appreciate spring and fall all that much more. And I find myself looking forward to getting out my favorite old sweaters and cords.

8:50 AM  

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