I'm gonna need popcorn to get me through this one.
So here’s a fun factoid for the day: Did you know that vanilla is a fruit? According to the handy little info panel on my soymilk, it is. The fruit of a particular kind of orchid, believe it or not.
Fruits are not savory (nor are they vanilla flavored). “But Ali, tomatoes are a fruit! So are avocados, maybe!” BUZZ! Sorry – you’re wrong. Get those pesky scientists or biologists or whomever over here and I’ll give them a nice straightening out. Fruits taste like fruit. Otherwise they're vegetables, end of story.
I think the fella and I are going to see “An Inconvenient Truth” this weekend. It’s one of those movies I know I need to see and will probably ultimately enjoy (as much as anyone can enjoy a movie about global warming that doesn’t star Bruce Willis) but it feels a little like taking medicine. Medicine that costs $11 a person (not including the $8 nachos with extra “cheez” that someone insists on buying every time). Maybe there’ll be a blooper reel. (“We had the lens cap on when the polar ice caps melted! Hee-larious!”)
Not much to report from here. I sent a story off to Dramatics magazine. (The official magazine of the National Thespian Society. I’m not saying who, but somebody – we’ll call him “Mr. Cheez” – was President of his high school’s chapter.) I’m mulling over a second pitch but am stymied by the fact that I don’t actually know how to pitch. I know there are books and websites and such but it’s so much more time consuming than just asking someone to show me how to do it.
So, could someone show me how to do it? (I’m looking at you, Buff.)
In an attempt to get some activity on this site, let’s play a little game I like to call“Weekend Activities”! This is the game where we compare weekends and whoever has the least exciting weekend wins! (Wow, Ali! This is gonna be AWESOME!)
- Saturday: Farmers market! Paying a guy for a commercial class! Pretending that I’m just going to browse at the annual sale at my favorite prohibitively expensive clothing store! A $100 an hour voice-over lesson! Perhaps the gym! But probably not! Topped off by a very upsetting movie!
- Sunday: The gym! Because I didn’t go on Saturday! Cleaning the mold off my shower curtain! Changing the cat litter! Mopping/dusting/toilet bowl cleaning with hastily purchased, environmentally-friendly products!
Top that!
Hmmm...Saturday: Clean the upstairs, find a total of an hour to treadmill and bike, help hubby shop for new school clothes, deal with children whining and resisting helping out with the cleaning.
Sunday: Exercise,take children to visit new teachers and classrooms, visit open houses for two houses in the neighborhood that just went on the market (aka being nosy), hang out with the girls while their father and grandfather go see Superman Returns on IMAX 3-D.
Oh yeah. Wash and fold what seems like mountains of laundry. It's sheets week.
I hope that I haven't made you readers too jealous with this telling of my jet-set lifestyle.
Oh God... sheets week.
Saturday: Straight from bed to exercise class (brushed teeth, but aside from that, hit the exercise machines sans shower, clean underwear, etc. You get the ugly picture.), showered post-exercise, bought totally unnecessary toiletries at Walgreen's, ate fast food, bought a Beta - Gorgeous George - to entertain cat, sat on my ass and watched TV.
Sunday: Laundry day (including sheets), snacked, snacked, and snacked while watching butt-loads of TV, had supper with friends.
Saturday: Liquid Plumbered the shower drain, then cleaned the shower stall base. Took a nap. (What a luxury!) Rented and watched a good movie ("A Home at the End of the World"). Went to bed.
Sunday: Worked. Fixed meatloaf and mashed potatoes for supper. Watched Design Star and was SO glad they canned Donna. Went to bed. Life is SO boring.
Oh! Almost forgot! On Saturday night, I saw a seemingly drunken "cowboy" sans shirt sitting on his horse in front of the church next to the grocery store talking on his cell phone! Then on Sunday morning I saw a hootchie mama come out of that same church, cross the street and go into the grocery store. She must have been a very religious hooker. And I thought life in Auburn, Kansas, would be really boring...
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