Monday, May 29, 2006

Shiloh, huh?

Okay, so I know you've all been dying to see what I've got comin' now that Bragelina has had their bebe. The lions! The tigers! The name! Oh my! My response?


Can't get excited about it, no matter how hard I try. As a full-fledged gossip whore (I prefer "gossipista") it's practically my job to muster some kind of something for this major, major event. But all I keep thinking is "Poor Gwen Stefani..." Having your baby on the same day at TomKat was bad enough for Brooke but having it on the same day as the Luke and Laura of the silver screen - man! Her publicist is going to have to work triple time to get any kind of mileage out of Gavin Rossdale's second-rate spawn. (Although I can tell you right now who I'd rather have as a mom.) And I must confess, I don't hate the name. Well, I don't hate the first name. (The middle name is ridiculous but no more so than "Jolie" and that seemed to work out pretty well.) I can think of worse monikers to be saddled with. "Pilot Inspektor" comes to mind, not to mention "Fifi Trixibelle". Don't get me started on little "Jermajesty"... (Only a Jackson, folks. Only a Jackson.)


Blogger Missy said...

I am getting some enjoyment out of the total scrimping for even the most minute bit of information the press is trying to get to. I think they have just added one or two sentences to the same article that came out right after the birth was announced.

Now EVERYONE will want to have their baby in Africa.

9:58 PM  

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