Monday, May 01, 2006

Shilling for M-Al

All of you in the T-town area, keep your eyes peeled for my latest story in the Cap-Journal. They don't tend to tell me when I'm being published so I rely on your hawk-eyed... hawk eyes to keep me informed.

As for those outside of Shawnee County, keep your eyes peeled for my Cascade commercial. My father was vacationing in Florida and saw a 26-year-old me hawking dish soap on the tee-vee. Which is interesting, seeing as how it hasn't run for five years - which means that somebody's trying to run my spot without paying me. The commercial stars Kerry Kenny (from Reno 9-1-1) as a chef who lives with two lovable roommates (ahem), one of whom has a curly red ponytail. I spin around on a dolly while trying to open a pot and drop stuff, for the most part. If you see it please let me know; mama wants to get paid. (Feel free to pass this on to any Floridian aquaintances.)

My work here is done.


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