Saturday, April 29, 2006

God IS great!

This clip made me smirk. Not because of what the guy's saying (assuming there is a creator of this universe, which I do, I agree that there are many, many amazing things on this planet that seem designed specifically for the continuation of life. Like, say, bananas) or because Kirk Yes-I-Had-A-Poster-Of-Him-On-My-Wall-And-Continued-To-Love-Him-Even-When-He-Went-On-That-Ridiculous-Pritikin-Diet Cameron is sitting next to him. None of those I mind. It's the Public Television, Channel 13 backdrop that gave me the giggles. If you're going to talk about God's brilliance, at least go out and sit next to a real lake, fellas. (While you're at it, don't forget to mention that monkeys and apes eat bananas too. It's not exclusively human fruit, dudes.)

Thanks to Stef for the link.


Blogger mmcwatters said...

I can see where someone eating a banana would think, wow, this seems like it was designed perfectly for human consumption.

But, what about pomegranates? I mean, we used to eat those things by the bushel when we were kids and I can tell you, they are really poorly designed. Hard to open, difficult to tell if they're ripe or not, messy, and they fall apart as soon as you get inside. Plus, they give you stomach aches.

And what about cows? I mean, they're not easy to eat at all! You have to find one, kill it, cut it up, find fire to cook it...very, very bad design indeed. God must have been off that day.

10:23 AM  

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