Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Must go to the gym!

So I'm torn about a couple of things today. First off, MI 3: To See or Not To See. I like a good popcorn flick as much as the next guy, plus I think J.J. Abrams is great and Tom - as nutso as he is - can be a damn fine actor. I just don't feel comfortable knowing that a portion of my ticket sale is going to Scientology. Tom's the Executive Producer so he's gonna pocket a ton of cash for this and I don't want to encourage the crazy. (But I bet the stunts are awesome...)

Second, Target. I love Target. Love it. But I don't love that their pharmacist refused to fill some woman's morning after pill prescription due to the pharmacist's religious beliefs. I don't love that Target didn't fire that person and I especially don't love that actually sided with him/her. (They released some statement saying that the woman should have just gone to another Target, but since the morning after pill is only affective for 48 hours after the oops, every hour counts.)

Pro-life, Pro-choice, whatever. The woman had a prescription from her doctor. The pharmacist's job is to fill it. Case closed. There was a great article in this month's Bust magazine about it that got me all riled up. So knowing all this, why do I still want to shop there? I stopped eating fast food, why can't I resist the siren song of affordable contact lens solution? (It's the Thomas O'Brian collection, isn't it? Damn that shit is good...)

I've moved to decaf coffee. Herbal tea is poo.


Blogger Ted Carter said...

Some other tidbits - A coworker told me the other day that Target contributes more to Republican causes than Wal-Mart.

And I totally hear what you are saying about the Scientology thing. I have always been a big Jason Lee fan, but knowing that he's one of the brainwashed makes it a lot harder to watch Earl. We still do, but part of me really doesn't want to like it.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Dan G said...

The only reason that Wal-Mart/Target factoid may be true is because Wal-Mart is not only conservative but tight-assed as well. And that appears to be changing.

But Ali, as far as Mission Impossible 3 goes, you should do what I did: get yourself invited to tonight's New York premiere! It's free and glam!

And you're wrong about Tom. He's not that good an actor.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that WalMart has been court-ordered to fill the morning after pill scripts. Yea!

I'm in the same quandary about MI3. I agree with Dan - I don't think Tom is a great actor - but I really want to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the bad guy.

11:58 AM  

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