I love catering.
The end is near. I'm actually considering taking a "real" job. Scratch that - Not considering, HOPING. Not that I've been offered said job, but if I am I will gladly, gratefully, willingly take it, I think. Maybe it's the constant stress of living paycheck-to-paycheck (not that people with jobs don't live that way, thank you Mr. Bush) or the nonstop hamster-on-wheel race of catering/babysitting/catsitting/freelance writing/auditioning/praying that's wearing my ass down. Which is better - financial security (or relative financial security, enough to go on vacation, pay bills, dig your way out of debt, raise a family) but little in the way of free-time, or plenty of free-time but no money? Would you trade?
Would I trade? Sometimes. But not most of the time. And I think sans wife and kids, I would feel the same way.
I hate the truth of Tyler Durden's assertion that we spend the majority of our lives at jobs we hate in order to buy stuff we don't need, but I understand it is a truth.
And I think you may be surprised at the time you save not having to be constantly looking for work. Knowing your schedule ahead of time and having a steady influx of funds can be a very good thing.
I have learned in my old age that I require a certain level of predictability in my life in order to function comfortably. This need has increased with the advent of children in my life. There is much to be said for steady work. I have been seriously considering trying to be a strictly contract based therapist, but the if no show client-no show paycheck thing is just too scary for me at this point in my life. My idea of work utopia (if there is such a thing) is to work from home. For a steady paycheck with vacation, sick time, and benefits. That's not asking for too much is it? BTW--what job is it you are hoping to snag?
Want a little advice from an old fart? Here it is:
I've been self-employed for 10 years and it is REALLY expensive (if not impossible) to get health insurance if you're not in a group. I've convinced my doctors to put me on their payroll, even though I still get paid based on the number of lines transcribed, just so I could get insurance. I still lack the other bennies that "real" employees enjoy. If I want to take time off, I lose money. If one of the docs takes a vacation, I lose money. If I'm sick, I lose money. Get the picture? If you can find a "real" job that's tolerable, go for it!
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