Monday, June 06, 2005

Yeah, this'll sell!

I had an audition today for a voiceover for Dunkin' Donuts. They're launching a new coffee drink, the name of which could use a little work:

Turtle Nut Iced Coffee

Now I'm sure they spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on focus groups and charts and God knows what else to come up with this, but if the guffaws coming from the auditionees is any indication, they should've spent a little more. Turtle Nut iced coffee?! ("Now with 25% more turtle!") What, was "Monkey Scrotum Latte" already taken?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it would have had a catchier sound if they had called it Turtle TESTICLE Iced Coffee, don't you? What the hell is it? Is it like those turtle candies? No matter what they call it, it sounds, well, for lack of a better word, ICKY.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Ted Carter said...

Or the every popular "Nut Turtle Iced Coffee," not to be confused with the "Mad Cow Iced Coffee" that Starbucks is currently hawking...

4:17 PM  

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