Sunday, June 05, 2005

I love men in hats.

I was walking to Duane Reade yesterday (the Walgreen's of these parts) when I noticed a rather dapper looking black man in his mid-late 50's standing on the corner. He was dolled up in his (slightly threadbare) Sunday best and appeared to be wishing everyone good morning. I was immediately wary because this sort of behavior is often accompanied by some "JE-sus died for you"/anti-abortion booshit and I just can't take that crap first thing in the morning but this guy was just... shaking hands. As I got closer he smiled, held out his hand and wished me a hearty "Good Morning!" so I shook his hand and uttered a less enthusiastic if still sincere "Good Morning" back. With a slight bow and a "God bless you!" he proceeded to kiss the back of my hand. Not knowing quite how to respond I said, "Right back at ya!" which cracked him up. As I continued on I heard him call after me, "You're gonna have a good day! A good day!"

And whattdya know, I did!


Blogger Ted Carter said...

Not all crazy is bad crazy, ya know?

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering the rather large bag of clothes you brought home that day I suspect that this chipper fella was actually the shopping-fairy in disguise.

My honey's been blessed by the shopping fairy.

Wish us luck.

9:58 AM  

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