Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I dumb.

It's official: unless it pertains to celebrities or food, I don't know shit. "Billy" and his homework - his third grade homework - might just be the death of me. Scoff if you will but here's a little quiz, culled directly from this eve's homework. Parents of school-age children need not apply.

- Define "archipeligo" and "isthmus". (Don't cheat and be all, 'It's got something to do with water'. Seriously, when was the last time you even said the word "isthmus"?)
- Write the alphabet in the correct cursive script. Not the bastardized scribble you use now; I'm talking the real deal with all the stupid curliques and swoops and, God, STUFF! You think you remember how to do it but you're wrong.

Don't get me started on math. We will definitely not be homeschooling.


Blogger Ted Carter said...

Speaking for the parents, I have to say I know exactly what you are saying. Phonics is what kills me. I didn't study phonics in school, and as much as I've tried to figure it out, I just don't get it. Bailey loves to lord this knowledge over me whenever she gets the chance.

She's so much like her mother...

9:39 AM  
Blogger Dan G said...

Me fail English? That's unpossible!

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I had to ask Jeff about Miranda's first grade math homework one evening. Then my dad proceeded to tell Miranda that she was better at math than I am. Which she has reminded me of on several occasions. Even Jeff great King of Grammar and all things English Classroom related has not known some of the phonics things Miranda has discussed at home. Nothing like having a kid around to keep you grounded about your TRUE level of intelligence. I is SMRT!

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I knew ONE of the answers! I knew that an archipelago is a group of islands. I had to look up isthmus, though. (Believe it or not, I type that word a lot in reference to the thyroid gland, but I never knew what it meant in that context, either, until I looked it up.) These kids today are going to be VERY SCARY when they grow up (I'm talking, of course, about the ones who actually pay attention and graduate!)

9:31 AM  

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