Thursday, July 19, 2007

Apparently something really big went BOOM near Grand Central yesterday. Seeing as how Grand Central isn't very far from my humble abode, it shook me a bit. I mean the fact that things blow up is scary, but mostly I'm concerned with that giant plume of smoke. This, from this morning's top headline:


Oh, so it was in the dust! You mean that dust right there? The dust that reportedly wafted as high as the nearby Chrystler Building? GOOD THING IT DIDN'T GET INTO THE AIR.

Call me a skeptic, but after 9/11 and the whole Guiliani/EPA battle (they claim he muzzled them when told the air wasn't safe), telling me that there was asbestos in the dust but not the air feels a touch "truthy", to borrow a Colbert-ism. When I go out today, remind me to wear my cat litter mask. (Remind me to blog about my cat litter mask...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't the dust in the air? Show me the logic in that headline, please? You can't breathe the air without breathing the dust! I think you live in a dangerous city, girlie.

Do tell us about the cat litter mask. Does it spook Val and Tinkerbell when you wear it?

5:20 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

So if you just spray some Pledge all will be well right? It takes care of dust.

1:21 AM  
Blogger Ted Carter said...

Kayla and Bob were in transit to their hotel close to you at the time. Apparently they got a free bus tour of NYC for over an hour as a result and ended up being left at Port Authority to walk to the hotel. Good times.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that statement was kind of a head scratcher.

5:20 PM  

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