Tuesday, November 21, 2006

They do have a hat that I've been eyeballing...

Not to sound like the beginning of a Jeff Foxworthy joke ("You know you shop too much when...") but you know you shop too much when Banana Republic sends you their fancy card. Yes folks, I've somehow managed to spend enough cash to be upgraded to Banana's LUXE card. This feat is made doubly impressive when you consider the fact that I only shop their sale rack. I can't quite figure out how I did it. Or where the clothes are. I mean, I live in a tiny New York City apartment with tiny New York City closets. I just don't have room for that many purchases! (At least, the amount of purchases that I imagine it would take to be upgraded to the fancy.) That said, the card is one classy looking dame. And I get free alterations which'll come in handy since I simply cannot pass up a $20 pencil skirt, even if it is a size 18.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They must have sensed your commitment to the sale rack. It's not so much that they care about how much you spend there as it is how UNwilling you are to shop other places.

Say what you want about the B.R. and their ridiculously over priced hats, but they are definitely not afraid of being in a committed relationship.

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love their lotion.

Love pencil skirts. I would have bought the size 18 on sale too.

8:06 PM  

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