Friday, November 10, 2006

That'd buy a lot of cashmere slippers...

Okay, truth be told, I have occasionally watched that ridiculous show "Wife Swap". I don't watch it often and I always feel vaguely dirty afterwards, but sometimes, you know, it's just on. I could never figure out where they got their participants, though. I mean, who's so starved for attention that they'd leave their family for a week and subject them to the terrors of healthy food or church or whatever it was that they were most afraid of? (Before you get all uppity on me, I support both healthy food and church.) I certainly wouldn't consider putting my husband and pets at the mercy of ABC.

Until I saw a casting notice for it.

Each family gets $20,000.


Dignity be damned! Husband? Beloved pets? See ya!


Blogger Valerie said...

Hmmm, that does put a little hitch in my "no way in hell" git-along.

1:16 AM  

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