Monday, November 06, 2006

Ink stained finger, here I come!

For the love of God, VOTE TOMORROW! I know it's not a Presidential election so maybe it doesn't seem all the big but I'm telling you, if Democrats lose we are up shit creek without a paddle. And what's even scarier? Even with Republican Mark Foley trying to get butt sex from children, even with the head of the Religious Right paying for sex and drugs, even with all those Republican senators getting busted by the F.B.I. for being totally corrupt (along with that asshat, Abramoff), even with the war going worse and worse every day, even with a Commander in Chief who's a NATIONAL JOKE, the Republican poll numbers are climbing.

I know.

If you live in Missouri, for perhaps the first time ever your state is hella important. Take some much needed time off work and go do your civic (at this point I'm gonna go ahead and say "moral") duty, then buy yourself a sundae after. I'm thinking hot fudge.


Anonymous Anonymous said... fudge with LOTS of whipped cream. I LOVE voting.

10:44 PM  

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