Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Make mine a Doctor sandwich, with a side of Sweeney.

In order to kill time at a teeedious 80th birthday party last night (enlivened only by our captain allowing us to prowl St. John the Divine in search of peacocks) a fellow waiter and I decided to play a little game called "What Your Celebrity Crushes Say About You". Sure, I could've gone the Brad/George/Wolverine route but since I don't find any of them remotely attractive (except maybe that third fella), what's the point? My three choices will come as no surprise to my regulars:

1: Michael Cerveris (Insert sex pun about murderous, singing barber here.)

2: Christopher Eccleston (I'll take a ride in his Tardis - OR HIS PANTS - anytime!!! she says, followed by an adorable emoticon.)

3: Hugh Laurie (I love Dr. House. I'd like to play house with House in my house... if I had a house.)

To sum? It's all about Geeks Made Good.

Okay, spill it. Who's tickling your fancy?


Blogger ktbuffy said...

I do so like me a little bit of Wolverine, but I'm also terribly partial to Clive Owen. I'm moving slowly away from my vampire honeys, but still hooked on Cap'n Tightpants.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will fight you tooth and nail for Gregory House. Wow. I have SUCH a crush on him!

3:20 PM  
Blogger jLow said...

I'll take me a big ole slab of Jason Statham (the Transporter hottie) and I'll wash 'im down with some Jake Gyllenhaal.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

Hmmmm...I believe I will dine international style. For the main course I believe I would like a little Gael Garcia Bernal, maybe with side order of Hugh Grant. For dessert....Goran Visnjik (or however you spell his last name.)

11:02 PM  
Blogger Ted Carter said...

The spouse and I are both drooling over Rosario Dawson these days. And I'm perfectly okay with that.

I'm also fantasizing about P!nk, Alanis, and Angelina. But that is a constant.

1:12 PM  

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