Time to buy stock in IcyHot
It'll be interesting to see how this day turns out. So far I've thrown out my back lifting a blender (not the whole thing, mind you - just the pitcher) and a pigeon just pooped all over our window.
I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping these past few weeks. My heart starts racing and wakes me up several times throughout the night. Has anybody else had this? I don't feel all that stressed and I've stopped with the caffeine again (mostly). Maybe I'm like one of those Ambien people but instead of raiding the fridge in my sleep, I'm running 5Ks.
I finished the second part of my Law and Order saga - coming to a paper near (some of) you soon - and have started on a second piece about my first New York apartment. One of you might be featured in it... A certain baldish one... A lovingly exaggerated version of a certain baldish one. (Don't get to comfortable, folks - you might be next. GRIST FOR THE MILL, BABY! YOU'RE ALL GRIST FOR THE MILL!)
All right, I'm off to watch the baby. Don't ask me how I plan to pick him up. ("It's time to practice a little thing called 'levitation'...")
A certain redheaded former roommate should keep in mind that it would take very little exaggeration on a baldheaded roommate's part to portray her in her own rather silly light.
Anyway, it would seem that the redhead and baldhead should unite in the face of the other two or three or four living in that apartment at any given moment. Boy, some of them were silly. And loud. And now divorced!
What was the blender full of? Concrete?
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