Sunday, June 04, 2006

Food, glorious food

Oh people, I got nothin'. Although I am watching an interesting thing on 60 Minutes about the head of Whole Foods. Whole Foods is now going to offer meat that has been raised humanely. (Funny, I thought they'd been doing that all along.) They're also offering lobsters that are kept in a tank that is the "most comfortable" temperature for them. I must admit, at this point I almost rolled my eyes. (I'm not sure what that knee-jerk reaction was about since I'm a total bleeding heart liberal who eats organic as often as possible and can get uppity as all get out when it comes to things like hydrogenated oil and corn syrup, usually while eating an entire bag of Twizzlers.) Dan Rather was giving Mr. Whole Foods shit, asking him if it really mattered if the lobster was kept comfortable since it was eventually going to be dropped in a pot of boiling water at the end of the day. WF's reaction was priceless.

"Dan, are you going to die someday?"

Dan admitted that he was.

"Well, does the quality of your life matter? I mean, you're going to be dropped in the pot, as it were. While you're alive, doesn't it matter how well you were treated while you were on this planet?"

You go, WF! SMACK! Now if you'd just stop charging so damn much for your damn vegetables...


Blogger The Girl in Black said...

Rock on! That WAS a priceless response. Who did Dan Rather think he was getting the upper hand over, anyway? Whole Foods probably puts how to answer animal cruelty questions in new employee orientation!

If Dan's snarking on the granolas.. what's he going to do to poor (not anywhere close) Anderson Cooper?

I don't see handsome Mr. Cooper standing for any diva displays. (Even though I think I will have to live with the disappointment Anderson baby doesn't like to kiss girls)

10:50 AM  
Blogger Dan G said...

Did Dan get all up in the guy's business for Whole Foods' reportedly poor labor practices?

If I'm faced with a lobster in a too-cold tank and a cashier making minimum wage on his or her feet all freakin' day without a break, I'll side with the cashier every time. They don't pinch as hard. And they taste just as good.

5:54 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

Actually, he talked about that. He said that every employee makes significantly more than minimum wage and that 90% have health benefits. I'm definitely pro-union (being in three of them) but I have to say, the workers at Whole Foods seem a hell of a lot happier than the grumps at Food Emporium any day of the week.

8:32 PM  

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