Friday, January 06, 2006

I need a nap.

I loooooves to make me some grand pronouncements.

Alarm went off at 6:30. Matt batted at it until 6:45. Then the girls started chiming in (shut UP already!) so yes, I hauled myself out of bed.

Let me say this: There is no reason on God's Green Earth that anyone needs to be up before sunrise. They certainly shouldn't be up that early to go to the freakin' gym.

I'm not sure how I expected to feel, but there's something about getting up while it's still dark that goes against natural human inclination. Roosters aren't even up yet. (My mother is out the door by 6:30 almost every day of her working life and to this day I don't know how she does it.) And the gym was crowded! CROWDED! AT 6:30 AM! (Well, 7:30, by the time I managed to haul my puffy, bloaty self down there.) Guy was doing tai chi, woman was puffing away on the elliptical... I'm standing there in a daze, wondering if it would be cheating to take a nap in the meditation room. (It's at the gym so it's sort of like working out, right?) Everybody seemed pretty wide awake too. I've always wanted to be an early riser like my dad, but the fact that he's down for the count by 9 pm (I'd miss America's Next Top Model!) makes me want to re-think.

By the way, my food column was rejected. Something about her losing a writer and wanting to focus on a cooking segment. Trying hard not to be hurt by the fact that I was turned down by a place that wasn't even going to pay me. (Dude, I was free!) In the immortal words of Ghandi: "Whatevs". I'm going ot take a writing class and learn how to pitch. Then we'll see who doesn't want me to work for them for free!


Blogger Ted Carter said...

Sorry to hear that, Ali. We the faithful blog readers know how talented you are as a writer, and have faith that you will find something; maybe even something that PAYS...

10:24 AM  
Blogger Missy said...

You had such a great name suggestion over the holiday too.

On the other topic, I have finally after many years figured out that I am not, never have been, nor will I ever be an early riser. As a small child I would not even get up early for Christmas, and my parents specifically put me in afternoon kindergarten because of my ways. I have totally given up on the idea of exercising early in the morning. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. It just ain't in some of us.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mornings aren't my thing either; I am definitely a night person. However, the rest of the world seems resistant to my ways. If I were queen..... there would be mid-afternoon naps for everyone! Followed by milk and warm cookies of course. Lishka- those dumb folks don't know what they're missing by passing up you and your column. This just leaves you time to do something bigger and better- you show 'em lady! K-la

5:43 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

Holy crap, Kayla responded! Who's next? Nadia?

7:00 PM  

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