Further FURTHER evidence that (some) New Yorkers have way too much money
So I'm sitting at the podiatrist's office skimming the glossy mags when I stumble upon a blurb for something called the "Zillion Dollar Frittata". It's served at the schwank Le Parker Meridien Hotel (which should've clued me in) and consists of lobster, caviar and "yukon gold potatoes!" and costs $1,000.
A thousand dollars for a frittata.
I get it. There's caviar on it. Caviar's expensive I hear. And lobster. Lobster ain't cheap. And yukon gold potatoes which are... buttery. (Buttery enough to require an exclaimation point, apparently.) But - say it with me now - come ON! It's an omelette. It's not like it even does anything! Spending $600 on a vaccuum is retarded (right on, Missy) but at least it cleans your floor. If I'm spending a thousand dollars for eggs, it had better come with a frigging golden goose. A golden goose who gives hourly massages, along with a basketfull of puppies and a fairy prince who cleans my apartment. And that's just for starts.
That's RIGHT! Go on and tell it like it is sistah!
Yukon Gold potatoes are really yummy. Not yummy enough to warrant that kind of price tag though, and truthfully they are not that expensive either.
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