I'm proud to be an American.
Rumor has it that Topeka (or maybe it's the entire state) is voting on whether or not to teach evolution in the classroom. Please tell me I'm misinformed and that the leaders of my home state aren't quite that backwards. Please.
Well much as it pains me to admit it, yes the issue is being debated once again. I don't think we are to the "let the people decide" phase yet, (the whole issue annoys the UCKFAY out of me so I tend to tune it out, so my information whether or not it will be a ballot issue may be off) I may have to assume a fake state ID soon. I still think that becoming an honorary if not full out Canadian has merit.
All of these issues (first the gay marriage thing, now the evolution debate) have led me to consider telling people I'm from far western Missouri. (Or maybe I'll start saying I'm from Maryland, since that's not a TOTAL lie... so I haven't lived there since '78! Big deal!) I was stupidly encouraged when the "yes" voters outnumbered the "no" voters on the gay rights ballot question. I was SO hoping the righteous assholes would be outnumbered again on the constitutional amendment issue! I'm so upset that I'm considering not voting anymore because it's obvious my vote doesn't mean cow dung around here!
The big debate will be taking place in the building where I work. All investigators (law enforcement officers) in my office (there are 5) have been instructed to wear their guns on debate days. Supposedly there will be people coming in from all over the world as well as international press. AhhhAhhh Kansas! Land of extremes & extremists. This should be very interesting!
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