Tuesday, July 18, 2006

And another thing...

Ah, catering. How I missed thee.

Spent a surprisingly unhorrific night at a certain famous auction house, peddling Pellegrino and burdensomely monikered hors d'oeuvres. ("Sliced sirloin with carmelized onion on chive buttermilk biscuits" comes to mind.) It was a small motivational meeting for the new girls, I guess - much chatter about developing relationships with galleries and the terror the cold calling - but what struck me was not their perfectly Prada'd outfits (auction girls look great) or their weight (00 is the new 0). It was their voices. Almost without exception, they all spoke in this questioning, Valley Girl-esque cadance.

"Soooo I just finished up at Harvard Law?"

"Yeah, I've been here for two years?"

"I got that account? Because Spanish is my native tongue?"

Do you know what I'm talking about? (I mean "about"?) Now I know for a fact that these women are highly intelligent. That said, if one of them was assigned to my case, there's no WAY I'd let them represent me in court. And it's not just the twenty-somethings! Some of the women in the room were clearly touching forty and they spoke the exact same way. I find it exceptionally irritating. (TALK IN YOUR REAL VOICE!)

I'm starting to sound like a Jeff Foxworthy joke. ("You know when you're a fogey when...")


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please enlighten me. Why do auction house "girls" need law degrees? And why do they have to be skinny?

5:17 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

Who knows. Probably because everybody has to be overqualified for everything in this ridiculous city.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

Hell I am just glad I'm not the only fogey in da house.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've been on two conference calls this week where every. single. woman. on the call talked like that.

And one of the guys did as well.

So... take your experience, and then imagine that sound is the only input medium you have for these people. It's maddening.

1:02 PM  

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