Former editor, where hast thou gone?
So I just submitted my first piece to a particular woman's magazine. (I'm scared to write the title. Hello, clip services!) While I'm optimistic, I'm not holding my breath. Why?
They asked for my age.
I used to love this mag - it was geared to women in their mid-late 20's and had the perfect blend of guilty pleasure/snarky writing to keep me hooked. Then they got a new editor and suddenly I'm reading Seventeen.
It doesn't bode well.
But everyone knows that people in their early to mid-twenties can't actually write; the magazine is no doubt looking for someone in their early thirties who can write as thoug they were in their mid-twenties and yet actually be able to write.
Or something encouraging like that.
Wow, a typo and terribly bad grammar, both in the same comment; it doesn't get any better than that, does it?
At least SOME folks in their early thirties can write...
Hey, if the price is right, I'm available.
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