Thursday, July 07, 2005

I'll be taking a cab.

Woke up to a call from the hubby - terror attacks in London. It's impossible not to start worrying about getting hit again. (Although I assume anyplace that won the Olympics would have been hit today.) I always scoff at people who don't live on one of the coasts who worry that they'll be attacked. Not that Midwesterners don't have the right to be fearful but Matt and I had a field day when one of the local Missouri papers carried a front page story on their "terror drill". Local drama students were recruited to portray the various ethnicities who might be affected. One poor kid played a pregnant woman, an Hispanic laborer, and an Ethiopian amputee. While I'm certain that Al Queida is twitchy to attack O'Fallon, MO (and I certainly feel better knowing that the many, many Ethiopian amputees will be well taken care of) it's clear that New York's the biggie.

Thanks, Bushie. Thanks for making the world a safer place.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll send you cab money - stay off the trains, I repeat, stay off the trains!!! I'm just shocked that this morning's attacks DIDN'T take place in New York.

12:49 PM  
Blogger Ted Carter said...

Some of us Midwesterners are scoffing right along with you at the terror drills and other "preparations" for when the evil terrorists decide to target the cultural mecca that is Topeka. Although O'Fallon is probably not too far behind us on the list...

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, believe it or not, I have been informed by the 5 law enforcement officers that I work with, that the Midwest is particularly infested (yes, "infested", as in swarms of bugs, Sallah-al-din) with folks of the extreme-Muslim-persuasion. I initially scoffed at this, but have been sternly told that extremists are literally at our back doors by my co-workers who regularly attend FBI briefings. Of course, law enforcement folks can be a bit extreme themselves. Anyway, I'm just saying.....

4:01 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

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11:02 PM  
Blogger Ted Carter said...

I have just decided not to live in fear. Maybe something bad will happen, maybe not; but my freaking out about it really won't make much difference, so I can choose to live in fear or go on about my life as usual. And we've all seen how people in power can capitalize on fear, so I'd just rather not give them any more opportunity to convince us to sacrifice our freedoms for supposed safety.

5:00 PM  

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