Monday, May 02, 2005

Sleeping like a baby

This one is for all you mothers out there.

Forgive the short posting, I got up at 6 am to babysit. (Not Billy this time - a seven-month-old baby. We'll call him "Baby".) They used one of those "Teach Your Kids Healthy Sleep Patterns" books (the ones where no matter how much your kid is crying you don't go in) and believe you me, it's a keeper.

Baby went to bed at 6:30 pm and slept solidly until 6 am. When he woke up they fed him, then put him back down until 9. When he woke up I fed him, then put him back down until 11. When he woke up at 1, I fed him... and put him back down until 4 - After which, I hazard to guess, he woke up, was fed, and put down for the night. (I called mom to tell him how good natured he was and she shouted, "Good natured?! He's STUNNED! He can't believe he's awake!")

I'm telling you, as soon as I'm pregnant I'm buying that book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I promise you, you will be glad you did. We waited until Miranda was 9 months old to give our own special version a try out. See Miranda was a tricky baby who would sleep through a few nights without waking and then wake up a few nights. Finally out of frustration and much coercing by my hubby we agreed to try a little Ferber method. (Or our own take on it) Now despite the fact Jeff had to tie me to the bed to keep me from breaking the pattern.. after two nights she was sleeping through consistently and putting herself to sleep without drama. Then of course we had to wonder why we hadn't tried it months ago. It seems mean and horrible at the time they are crying, but really the consistent sleep IS SO WORTH IT.

10:07 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

That's what this mom said too. They made the mistake of going in the room once because he'd been crying for over an hour and, of course, he was fine. But as soon as they left he started up again and kept going for most of the night. NEVER go in, no matter how much you want to.

Matt just rolls his eyes when I say that I'll be totally fine with it.

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cried too. Only not as loud as the baby. most of the time. We did it with Morgan at about three months because she had this annoying thing where she would wake up 10 minutes after we put her down and it would take two hours to get her to sleep at night. Once she was out that was it, but man getting her there was pure hell on earth. Again in two days no problems. I think she fussed for maybe twenty minutes max both times.

11:37 PM  

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