Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I would never have allowed Allison to be voted off "So You Think You Can Dance"...

I go away and what happens? Our TV shuts down. Funny enough, I don't really miss the thing. (Until I remember that I'm missing what might be the most exciting! season! ever! on Project Runway, that is.)

It's weird to shop for a TV. It's not something you think of buying, you know? It's just always there. Since we don't have a car, we can't exactly head down to Best Buy and haul the thing home, so we ended up buying it off the internet. Now I'm a seasoned internet shopper, but buying a TV felt a little extreme. And expensive.

And... yup, that's it.


Blogger mmcwatters said...

Oh, man. I feel terrible, too, because I was the one who convinced Stefanie to keep my TV and not hers when we moved in together! Mea culpa.

9:40 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

Let's just say it's death was less the TVs fault than, oh, Matt's...

9:52 PM  
Blogger Valerie said...

Ok, now we need the story. Did he pick up a real brick when he meant to throw a foam one?

12:03 AM  

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