Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Narcissism 101

I think it's time for another installment of:


Because she can't think of anything else to write about.

- Adidas Absorbent-Deo

As someone who gets a touch nervous about the alleged side effects of aluminum in deoderant (breast cancer, alzheimers) but can't deal with the hippy/crunchy (ahem, ineffective, ahem) Tom's of Maine crap (don't get me started on those giant crystals you're supposed to rub under your armpits) I was hesitant about trying this non-aluminum deoderant, but then I started reading raves in various womens-y mags and decided to give it a shot. The stuff rocks. It smells lovely and is completely invisible, unlike other "invisible" sticks that still seem to leave stupid white streaks on my black tank tops. And because it doesn't have aluminum it won't leave yellow armpit stains on your white shirts. Now this is not the stuff to wear on those big job interviews - you can occasionally get a little damp if you're really sweaty - but for day to day wear, it's damn good.

- Demeter's "Dirt" fragrance

I almost don't want to give this one away... Demeter is the perfume company that does all the crazy realistic scents like Sugar Cookie and Clean Laundry and Mojito. And while they all smell exactly like they say, smelling like a sugar cookie only makes me want to eat. But dirt? Delish. Yes, it smells exactly - EXACTLY - like potting soil, meaning it's a gorgeous, fresh, heady scent that immediately transports me to summer in the garden. Their Tomato scent is spectacular too but I think Dirt is even better. It's oddly sexy too.

Crap, I'm out of time. More to come!


Blogger Ted Carter said...

Dirt? Seriously?

1:08 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

Sadly, I don't name 'em. (I think that's part of Demeter's thing - like "we'll call it something nasty and it'll smell really great!" I'm waiting for an absolutely exquisite "Dog Poo".)

8:46 PM  
Blogger Valerie said...

yeah I have some chapstick the coop got samples of called 'chicken poop'. It has lavender in it, soy, jojoba, etc. No chickens nor any chicken poop. I don't know why they called it that.

I'm actually using the lichen stuff from whole foods, which works ok for most of a day. Too bad my shower average is every 3 right now.

I'll check out demeters though, sounds cool.

And on that aluminum thing what about pots and pans and bowls, is that really bad, you think?

9:38 PM  

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