Friday, December 09, 2005

Let nothing you dismay!

So - anybody else not feeling the holiday this year? It's not that I'm blue, I just can't get over that it's, like, here. I never understood why grown-ups didn't enjoy Christmas - how can you hate a holiday where you get stuff?! - but between working doubles every day and trying to squeeze in shopping and pretending to keep up with laundry and-and-and, I'm just not in the mood. Clearly, the only thing that will cheer me up is a REALLY INDULGENT CHRISTMAS LIST!

In no particular order:

- Old love letters, pre-1940's
- Victorian silhouettes, preferably great ones of people's profiles
- Letterpress classes
- A magical ability to not get mad and quit when I suck at letterpress
- A puppy
- Massages. Preferably once a week.
- Original work by Picasso, Chagall, the guy who invented mobiles, Heather Smith Jones, and Avedon
- A vacation home in Maui
- A vacation home
- A shaker rocking chair
- Wine tasting classes
- Dinner at Artesinal or Grammercy Tavern
- Floor to ceiling bookshelves
- Super cute boots
- Heirloom Tomato perfume from Demeter or Hesperides perfume from Fresh
- A never-ending supply of everything from Kiehl's
- Illy coffee and one of those adorable, shiny cappuccino machines
- A miniature orange tree or a giant, ancient ficus
- Someone to fill my iPod with really cool songs so I can pretend that I don't actually listen to crap
- Pilates classes
- A personal chef
- Art from friends/family members
- Someone from California Closets to come in and fix our storage sitch
- Writing classes from Media Bistro

And you?


Blogger Ted Carter said...

"Totally cute boots" was initially misread by this blogger and made him giggle a lot. A LOT.

I just want world peace. And a million dollars.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

Hmmmm.. my list:

1.A new area rug for my living room floor.

2.Our bathtub tiled.

3.A ridculously expensive and absolutely fabulous pair of shoes. (we are talking of the Manolo, Jimmy Choo variety here)

4. A comfy office chair.

5. Weekend at a spa.

6. Weekend away with my beloved.

7. Personal trainer.

8. Emerald ring.

9. Nice pair of black leather knee high boots. Low heel please.

10. Bread of the month from Boudin's Bakery in San Francisco.

I think that does it for now.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

No list here, just comments:

Comment A.) A PUPPY!?? You have got to be kidding me! Remember that adorable raptor of a puppy I had? I can show you the scars!Seriously, what is wrong with you?

Comment B.) The man who created Mobiles is Alexander Calder. (yes! Now I can check, "Find some obscure way to make use of degree you are now paying through the nose for" off my list of things to do for the day.)

12:45 PM  

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