Monday, May 28, 2007

Okay, maybe not so much with the Coney Islanding today.

Poor Matt. I've been pining for water for days now and, while rain is technically water, it's not really what I had in mind. So my darling husband, in an effort to appease his grouchy, sea-loving wife, suggested this:

Let's go see Pirates of the Caribbean!

While I have to give him points for creativity, I'm sniffing a bit of an ulterior motive here. (Someone in this house looooves movie nachos.) Frankly, I could not have less interest in this flick. I'm not sure why exactly, I love Johnny Depp and think he's great as Cap'n Jack, but I can't shake the notion that the movie's going to be a whole mess of lame. I have a hard time paying $11 for any movie and ponying up my hard-earned cash to watch other people frolic in the Caribbean is a pretty solid way to lead to gnashing of teeth.

So instead I'm going to the gym. I can stare at the pool while I run, right?


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