Hello Mr. Tummy! I thought you were gone!
A quick shout-out to Amanda and Sharon for the bodacious birthday tulips! I couldn't believe it when I saw a big box 'o flowers for me. Nobody sends me flowers! (Are you reading this, husband?)
I'm having a party tomorrow for, well, me. (And fellow birthdayans SWMNBN - "she who must not be named" - and Chintamani.) It's probably tacky to throw yourself a party but I'm not known for my class. I'm feeling a little anxious about it. There's cleaning required. Lots and lots of cleaning. And baking. And general party food purchasing. What do people like to eat at parties? I'm skipping the fancy brie and fruit platter for something a little more low-rent. I'm thinking bagel pizzas and Doritos. But what do you all crave? Weight Watchers would SOOOOO not approve of my week. The roll of belly over my (new!) jeans doesn't approve either. Fuck 'em both, I say - until next week, that is.
I think of my tummy as a ballast in case I'm ever involved in a water landing.
Who doesn't love bagel pizzas? I'll tell you who -- communists! As long as you haven't invited any communists, your menu sounds Poi-fect!!
We Boyers are fond of the Pizza Rolls when ingesting low rent cuisine.
Warm place and bake cookies are good too.
Sometimes people get a little demanding when warm right from the oven cookies are in the picture. I am not saying this from experience of course.
I'm just saying.
Well, I catered a fancy private home party tonight for Senator Clinton and because people don't eat when celebs are around, I've got a whole heap of meat-on-a-stick. FANCY meat-on-a-stick. My drink of choice got roundly booed by the bartender for being a hangover in a glass, so maybe I'll just serve wine. Now what I'll do with two economy sized barrels of pineapple juice I don't quite know...
The flowers should be just as pretty and engaging as you are Alisha.
Hope my little brother did lovely, romantic, sweet, caring, tinged with wry humor things for you on your birthday. Did he bake you a cake...? Did he at least offer to clean the cats' box for you...? Did he even try to dress up like Officer Stripper…? How about as Super-Stripper-man…?
Enjoy your day, your week, and ENJOY YOUR PARTY! Oh, and hangovers will just make you feel young again.
…I know.
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